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Опубликованно: 06.04.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

xxxiii.11: As mentioned above, this verse stating that God and Moses had a face to face chat is contradicted in four separate verses in the 'infallible' Bible, and a mere nine verses after this very one!
xxxiii.20-23: How can God tell Moses that he can't see his face and live in this verse if nine verses ago the two of them were talking face to face?! Besides, Hagar, Jacob and Isaiah all did. It seems that Yahweh is touchy about people looking at his face that he lets them see his back parts.
xxxiv.13: The first reference to the worship of the Canaanite mother Goddess Asherah. She was widely worshipped in Israel, perhaps even as the consort of Yahweh. She is associated with sacred trees (hence the ash) and a sacred tree was in Yahweh's temple in Jerusalem and had a compound where women wove garments for her statue as was done for the statue of Athena in the Parthenon at Athens. Because her emblem was made up of 'asherah' or wooden poles, the Israelites are continually being told to cut down her groves by their 'jealous god'. According to Jeremiah she was considered the queen of heaven.
xxxiv.14: God's name is Jealous. I thought he'd said it was YHWH.
xxxiv.26: As already mentioned, this verse refers to the initiation feast in Astarte's honour.
xxxv.2: Whoever works on Saturday must be executed. However, Queen Athaliah was arrested and executed on the Sabbath , which implies some sort of double standard.

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