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Опубликованно: 19.06.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

I strongly believe if hotel focuses on fitness and guest’s wellbeing more they will achieve greater results. Thus, my new concept for Grecotel Daphnila Bay is the following. They should build an open terrace at their beach and call it Greco Strong. The concept is derived from what they have already for kids – Grecoland with fun activities. By creating Greco Strong fitness department at the beach, it will have the potential to attract wellness tourists. Inside the terrace there will be a TV in which will be running different workout programmes. For example, at 9am virtual ab workout class, 10am HIIT workout, 11am glute training and so on. These virtual classes would run starting 9am to 9pm every day. This terrace would be equipped with all the necessary workout gear. For example, kettlebells, resistance bands, dumbbells, ankle and wrist weights and many more. Staff member would be there to supervise so the people do not take the equipment and overall make sure the place is clean and tidy. Moreover, that would be a great solution as the fitness department do not run their classes 24/7. In that particular hotel, for example, sunrise yoga was at 8am and then at 11:30am was the sea gym. …

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