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Опубликованно: 11.01.2024.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

In recent decade soil fungi have become a particularly interesting study object as they are able to live in various extreme conditions. It is true that the world is covered in fungi as they are able to adapt to all climates found on earth. For biotechnological purposes most interesting are soil fungi found Antarctica as these lands have various extreme conditions that have led to many interesting adaptations in soil fungi. These conditions include extreme temperatures, high solar radiation, high winds, many thaw cycles, lack of water and in some cases even permafrost. Scientists have already found many fungi that are applicable for biotechnology, for example, in 2017 black fungus Cryomyces antarcticus was discovered in Antarctica by Pacelli, C. This particular fungus is immune to solar radiation, that is the reason why it has been used in space experiments over the past ten years.
Many more useful adaptations have been explored in fungi in pristine Antarctic environments, such as antifreeze enzymes and antifreeze proteins. These adaptations have raised interest in scientists all over the globe. In recent years more and more expeditions have been conducted to Antarctica to look for new, unknown to human, soil fungi that potentially could contain useful adaptations applicable for biotechnology because of the extreme environment and evolutionary factor.…

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