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Опубликованно: 03.11.2016.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 2 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

With this line Milton says that even if you are not that one who is working for God twenty four hours a day, but you stand and wait, you also serve to God in a way that is worthy. So you should not be worry. God sees everything. In both ways you serve to Him.
So summarize all, this is a masterpiece of Milton’s work. Not only because he wrote it when he was already blind, but he really work through rhythm, make this as a sonnet. Maybe he didn’t use so much epithets or metaphors, but in this sonnet we can see allegory and personifications. Throughout this poem there were many contrasts made between light and dark. The sense of balance in this poem was made by usage of “light” and “dark”, “death” and “soul”, “useless” and “work”, “denied” and “serve”. They are antonyms of each other. These words create an atmosphere of mood and balance. Anyway, I really liked this poem because it is incredible how big faith Milton had. It is really inspiring when person in Milton’s condition still find a faith in God. Despite his fear, what was perfectly described, he finds a peace. Milton’s sonnet is an example of exploring human behavior and the unfamiliar to understand the rational world. This poem is a perfect autobiographic story, part of his life.

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