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Опубликованно: 01.06.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

As for the ethics in teaching, ethical principles of teaching should be conceptualized as general guidelines, ideas, or expectations that need to be taken into account, along with a code of conduct.
So, the ethical principles of teaching are as follows:
Content competence – a teacher maintains a high level a subject matter knowledge and ensures that the course content is appropriate within the programme.
Pedagogical competence – a pedagogically competent teacher communicates the objectives of the course to students, selects methods of teaching that are effective in helping students to achieve the course objectives.
Student development – the important responsibility of the teacher is to contribute to the language development of the student,
Respect for colleagues – a teacher respects the dignity of her or his colleagues and works cooperatively with colleagues in the interest of fostering student development,
Valid assessment of students – given the importance of student performance in teaching and in students’ careers, teachers are responsible for taking adequate steps to ensure that assessment of students is valid, open, fair, and congruent with course objectives,
Respect for institution – a teacher is aware and respects the educational goals, policies, and standarts of the institution in which she or he teaches. This principle implies that a teacher shares a collective responsibility to work for the good of the institution as a whole.

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