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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
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Фрагмент работы

VI. Recommendations:
I highly recommend that the alternative courses of actions number 1 and 2 greatly benefits the company in assessing its Human Resource problems. By implementing the 1 and 4 the company has an increase chance to grow to even a bigger company. Satisfying not only customers needs but also employees. With training and seminars making the employees more equip in doing their jobs more efficiently and effectively.
Giving the company profits and a good name, as good employee management company as a perception on both external and internal factors.
VII. Conclusions:
I therefore conclude that being a young company needs more learning. Although having a big resources company experience still counts in giving the company a more successful outcome in the future. Company experience is one of the key factors to success. Proper management of human resources could give the company more productivity.

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