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Опубликованно: 13.12.2016.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 8 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2011–2015 гг.
Фрагмент работы

7. Conclusion and suggestions
In the evolving logistics marketplace, author understands that there is no single path to success. LCC ''Balt Trans service" overtakes competitors by selecting an organizational model that best supports the corporate strategy of the company LCC ''Balt Trans service" also ensures that the strategy matches their targeted customer segments.
To increase company’s competitive edge leaders develop insights into customers’ needs and purchasing behaviors. The end result is a highly focused organization with a well-defined business strategy, designed to deliver sustained growth and profitability. But despites all company’s efforts there are a lot of macro environment factors that affect company’s successful developing, like Latvian political arena, it has a huge influence upon the regulation of businesses .It includes government regulations and legal issues under which businesses should operate. On marketing decisions strongly affect events in the political environment. This environment consists of the legal regulations, the government agencies and influential community groups that affect the various organizations and individuals and limit their freedom of action within society. Due to Latvian government fecklessness and huge impact on tax policy, tariffs, labor law, the company cannot predict its turnover, expenses and profit in the long term. Changeable environment requires constant renewal of business strategy and it is not positively affecting LCC “Balt Trans service”.
Taking into account all information collected and analyzed on this paper author can suggest that nowadays market companies are more focused on the consumer, which is manifested in their quest to meet the potential needs of consumers. For a specific user high quality of certain goods or services means that there is such a combination of consumer characteristics, which meets his needs. One such important property is the value of the goods or services, which is largely dependent on the costs of various operations and activities. Reducing overall costs can be achieved through the application of concepts and principles in the practice of logistics companies.

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