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Опубликованно: 19.12.2019.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

• Richard Branson has gave a lot of wisdoms, tips for business and how to transform business ideas into reality. Author has grouped in 101 business lessons. There are very useful business and life lessons. The author has written a lot of Richard Branson wisdoms.
• Richard Branson shows people how to make a business fun and how to build a commited team and allow them to grow by delegating. Enterpreneurs should take some risks, because life is an adventure and constantly scan for new opportunities. Enerreneurs should make a commited team.
• He is not like other enterpreneurs. He sees things differently from other eployers.
• He does not need expensive things. The author says: ''He ''only'' buys ''two or three'' pairs of jeans a year and he is ''not interested in cars''.''
• Author got them from Richard Branson books and personal conversations with him.

• R. Branson’s schedule is hectic, but he loves live and what he is doing.
• His ambition is to create something, he could be proud of. Richard Branson likes to take risks in business.
• Richard Branson is very famous person all around the world. He has been speaking at many summits, seminars and interviews for years.

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