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Реферат для университета10
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Optimism and Pessimism of Entrepreneurs and It Impact on Macroeconomics
Эссе для университета2
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John Maynard Keynes and His Contribution to the Science of Eonomics
Конспект для университета2
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Role of Education and Health Care in Labour Productivity
Эссе для университета2
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Why Exactly Great Britain Industrialized in the 18th Century?
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Benefits and Drawbacks of Free Trade and Protectionism
Эссе для университета4
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Development Perspectives of Eurozone
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Does Unemployment Insurance Increase Unemployment or Only Protect the Unemployed People?
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Structural Unemployment and Government Policies
Эссе для университета2
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Eiropas Savienības un Latvijas reģionālā politika
Презентация для средней школы19
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Main Macroeconomical Indicators of Poland
Конспект для университета12