Aviation Hydraulics
Реферат25 Авто, мото техника, Коммуникации, транспорт, связь
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
1. | Introduction to Aircraft Hydraulics | 3 |
1.1. | Aircraft Hydraulics Definition | 3 |
1.2. | What is a hydraulic system? | 3 |
1.3. | Pascal’s Theory | 4 |
1.4. | Advantages of Hydraulic Systems | 4 |
1.5. | Some Devices Operated by Hydraulic Systems in Aircraft | 5 |
2. | Hydraulics Systems Principles of Operation | 6 |
2.1. | Hydraulic Pressure Regulated Power System | 6 |
2.2. | Functions of Parts of the Power System | 8 |
2.3. | Aircraft Hydraulic System Reservoir | 8 |
2.3.1. | Functions of the Reservoir | 8 |
2.3.2. | Construction of Reservoir | 9 |
2.3.3. | Cavitation | 9 |
3. | Aircraft Hydraulic System Power Pump | 11 |
4. | Hydraulic System Check Valves | 12 |
4.1. | Pressure Control | 12 |
Principle of Operation (see Fig. 4.2.) | 12 | |
4.2. | Circuits Using Pressuring Limiting Devices (PLDs) | 13 |
5. | Hydraulics System Accumulators | 14 |
5.1. | Uses of an Accumulator | 14 |
6. | Hydraulic System Hand Pumps | 15 |
7. | Flow Control | 15 |
7.1. | Selector Valves | 15 |
7.1.1. | Rotary types | 15 |
7.1.2. | Piston Type | 16 |
7.2. | Types of Actuation Cylinders | 17 |
7.2.1. | Single Piston, Single Rod | 17 |
7.2.2. | Single Piston, Double Rod | 17 |
7.2.3. | Rotary Motion Actuating Cylinder | 17 |
8. | Automatic Hydraulic Transmissions | 18 |
9. | Boeing 737 onboard hydraulic control panels | 21 |
10. | Improvements in hydraulic systems | 26 |
Bi-Directional Hydraulic-Electrical Power Conversion | 26 | |
11. | Accidents | 28 |
12. | Kopsavilkums/Аннотация/Annotation | 29 |
13. | Literature | 31 |
What is a hydraulic system?
It is a system where liquid under pressure is used to transmit this energy. Hydraulic systems take
engine power and convert it to hydraulic power by Fig.1.1
means of a hydraulic pump. This power can be distributed throughout the airplane by means of tubing that runs through the aircraft. Hydraulic power may be reconverted to mechanical power by means of an actuating cylinder, or turbine (see Fig. 1.1.).
The rate of flow of the oil through the system into the actuating cylinder will determine the speed with which the piston rod in the actuating cylinder extends or retracts. When the cylinder is installed on the aircraft, it is already filled with oil. This insures that no air bubbles are introduced into the hydraulic system, which can adversely affect the operation of the system.…
Kursa darbā ir apskatīta aviācijas hidrauliskā sistēma kopumā un tās daļas. Ir doti galvenie darbošanās principi, t.i. no kurienes tiek ņemta enerģija hidrauliskai sistēmai (kā arī parādītas sistēmas specializētas spēka iekārtas), kā to enerģiju var padod uz vajadzīgām lidmašīnas daļām, kādas ierīces strādā uz šīs sistēmas pamata, dažas hidrauliskās ierīces klasifikācija. Tuvāk apskatīta kontroles aparatūra, kas ir izvietota pilota kabīnē. Ir dotas bildes (ar paskaidrojumiem) ar reālām, mūsdienīgām hidrauliskas sistēmas daļām.
Aviation Hydraulics
Реферат25 Авто, мото техника, Коммуникации, транспорт, связь
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