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Опубликованно: 05.03.2019.
Язык: Латышский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 17 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    3
1.1.  Background    3
1.2.  Problem statement    3
1.3.  Methodology    3
1.4.  Delimitations    5
1.5.  Source criticism    5
2.  Presentation of the company    6
2.1.  Product    6
2.2.  Price    6
2.3.  Place    7
2.4.  Promotion    7
3.  Analysis of the guest surveys’ acquired data    8
3.1.  Demographics of the respondents    8
3.4.  Customer satisfaction    9
3.4.1.  Taste, freshness and quality of the food    9
3.4.2.  Consistency of the food    9
3.4.3.  Variation of the food    10
3.4.4.  Waiting time    10
3.4.5.  Delivery    11
3.4.6.  Customer service    11
3.4.7.  Price levels    12
3.4.8.  Location    12
3.4.9.  Overall restaurant experience    12
4.  Why consistency matters in the restaurant industry?    14
5.  Possible solution regarding inconsistent service    15
5.1.  Standard Operating process    15
5.2.  Training    16
6.  Conclusions and discussion    19
  List of literature    19
Фрагмент работы

6. Conclusions and discussion
The goal of this internship assignment was to find and analyse the problems SushiSushi is facing and solve them in a cost-efficient way. Starting off, a presentation of the company was provided using the 4 P model. Furthermore, four problems were found according to author’s observation and the results of a guest survey. SushiSushi is struggling in many areas according to the guests – consistency, price levels, delivery, location of the restaurant. Consistency got the lowest score of CSAT and also was a crucial and repeating problem in the reviews. As consistency is the key in the restaurant business, it was clear, that it was important to tackle this problem, nevertheless, it is also tied with the problem of waiting time and the delivery. Two suggestions were made, firstly, establishing SOP system in the company, secondly, training the staff on a basic level and afterwards – advanced level, using the model of the training tree and later on having continuous training on their newly established app, keeping the costs in mind. Few other ways, how to tackle the problem of inconsistent service could be, for example, ensuring that all the processes and procedures are documented daily. Also, simplifying the way sushi is garnished, as staff might be struggling to remember all the tiny details of the presentation. …

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