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Опубликованно: 21.11.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Company presentation   
  Description of the services provided   
  Service quality   
  Customer relationships   
  Marketing Professional service   
  Managing personnel   
  Conclusion and evaluation   
  Interview questions   
Фрагмент работы

A service is an act or performance offered by one party to another. Although the process may be tied to physical product, the performance is essentially intangible and does not normally result in ownership of any of the factors of production1.
In our assignment we will describe Laurea Polytechnic Institute, which in addition to main activities provides professional service for nurses in field of managing violent patients in hospitals. Professional services have many features similar to services that are provided with low interaction and customization with client, but the essential differences appear in marketing.
We will analyze how the service is provided, managed and marketed. In addition to that we will explore possibilities to improve the current situation. By this we seek to deepen our awareness of professional service nature, its management and marketing activities.
The object of assignment: Laurea Polytechnic Institute.
The subject of assignment: The process of management and marketing of professional service company In Laurea Polytechnic Institute.
The objective of assignment: to deepen the knowledge about managing and marketing professional services gained from the lectures and literature, and to apply it into real business environment.
The goals of assignment:
1To describe professional services provided in case company
2To evaluate quality of service provided
3To describe relationships with the customers
3To describe marketing activities in company
4Evaluate companies activities and give suggestions for improvemen…

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