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Опубликованно: 10.01.2008.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    2
1.  Murder as a type of violent crime    3
2.  Definitions of murder    5
3.  Reasons and coefficients of murder    7
3.1.  Physical and psychological traits    7
3.2.  Instincts    8
3.3.  Sociocultural factors    9
3.4.  Lifestyle    10
3.5.  Relations between actors of murder    11
  Conclusion    13
  List of terms    14
  Bibliography    15
Фрагмент работы

There are different values in our society: honour, love, friendship, morality. But without any doubt, the most important and main value is a life of a human being. Everybody knows that law of any country protects right to life, and according to this, criminal legislation includes norms, regulating a person’s liability for crimes connected with taking other peoples’ lives.
But despite of all legal guarantees, a person’s life is often endangered by another person’s desire to take away the most important for human being –his life.
So, I’ve chosen a theme for my report that seems very actual for me and very serious. I’ll describe one of the most dangerous violent crimes – murder.
Murder is one of the earliest crimes in human history, but according to the Bible – the prime crime, when Cain killed his brother. A crime of murder has been punished from since ancient times, but it attracts attention also nowadays. There are different regulations and definitions of murder in different countries, but they all are common in aspect that murder is the most violent crime and should be punished.
Working in the Criminal police in the Investigation service I very often face this terrible crime. That is why I’m interested in examining the phenomenon of murder from different aspects and extend my knowledge about it.…

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