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Опубликованно: 18.02.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Ventspils is the sixth largest city of Latvia. Latvia is located in the eastern part of Europe by the Baltic Sea. Latvia borders on Estonia to the north, Russian Federation to the east, Belarus to the south-east, and Lithuania to the south. The territory of Latvia occupies 64.6 thousand km2. There are more than 2.5 million inhabitants in Latvia, 55 % of whom are Latvians. The capital of Latvia is Riga.
Ventspils is located in the north-west of Latvia at the estuary of the river Venta into the Baltic Sea. A distance of 189 km separates Ventspils from the capital of Latvia. Transport is the leading sphere of economy and the basis of economic and social development of the city. Most of the residents are employed by the enterprises related to the transshipment, storage and transit of cargoes, as well as by companies servicing Ventspils Free Port.


Car rental
The city’s car rentals offer cars of different brands and at different prices. The car rental Eurocar is located at the restaurant Vilnis, one of the biggest hotel at another side of river Venta, the second car rental is in Jēkaba street in the direction of Kuldīga.

Gas stations
The modern gas stations are located in close vicinity on the way to Riga – Statoil and Shell, and on the way to Kuldīga – Lukoil.

Taxi (calling, parking lots)
In Ventspils several taxi firms run their business and provide quality services. Mercedes brand taxi mini-buses operate throughout the city, one ticket costs LVL 0.25. Passengers may request to get off it wherever they want. Taxi mini-buses operate intensely from 5 a.m. till midnight, but during holidays till half past one in the morning.

Parking lots
Cars may be parked at the road sides in the specially designed parking places, where they do not impede the traffic. However, there are several paid parking lots offering their services as well.

Bus transport provides convenient inter-city traffic. The new Mercedes buses, that mostly are used in the route Ventspils-Riga, meet modern requirements and are equipped with air-conditioners, audio, TV and video. On the half way to Riga the bus stops at the River Abava and passengers can have some refreshments and fresh air. The traffic between Riga and Ventspils is very intensive. Every hour it’s one bus to the capital of Latvia.

City Description

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