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Опубликованно: 06.06.2014.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 29 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2011–2015 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Index    2
1.  Introduction    3
1.  Part 1: Economics    4
1.1.  Preferences    4
1.2.  Marginal Rate of Substitution    6
1.3.  Utility    7
1.4.  Budget Constraint    8
1.5.  Constrained consumer choice    9
2.  Part 2: Marketing    11
2.1.  Definition of Brand    11
2.2.  Consumers Brand Choice    12
2.3.  Brand Loyalty    13
2.4.  Brand equity    14
2.5.  Brands influence on consumer’s choice    16
3.  Part 3: Case Study – Volkswagen’s acquisition of Skoda auto    17
3.1.  History of Skoda    17
3.2.  History of Volkswagen    17
3.3.  Building image of Skoda    18
3.4.  Comparing sales of Volkswagen and Skoda    19
3.5.  Consumers choice    20
4.  Conclusions    23
  Bibliography    24
Фрагмент работы

In our research work analyzing theory of microeconomics and marketing we conclude that the brand has the power to make two goods that are potentially perfect substitutes into two goods that are not perceived as substitutes by the consumer. From marketing point we sum up that the brand goods for the consumer is more preferable. From microeconomics theory part we came to conclusion that the consumption bundle maximizes consumers total utility by increasing budget constraint, if consumer is choosing better quality goods.
In practical part we analyzed sales of two car manufacturers: Skoda and Volkswagen. So the sales have increased over time, but as it is seen by the graphs and calculations the Skoda has bigger growth of sales. That is because of the successful Skoda marketing strategies and Volkswagen acquired Skoda and implemented quality.
Starting our research paper we set the hypothesis that consumers preferably choose brands over non-brand products depending on budget constraint. At the end of our research we concluded that consumers do choose brands over non-brands depending on their budget constraint thus the hypothesis confirms.

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