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Опубликованно: 08.10.2008.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 7 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
  Classical methods of organization communication    4
  Administrative theory    5
  Neoclassical theory    6
  Modern organization theories    6
  Communication in organizations    7
  Postmodern organizations theory    9
  Conclusion    11
  Appendix A    12
  Sources of inspiration for Organizations theory    12
  Appendix B    13
  Likert`s systems of Leadership    13
  Bibliography    14
Фрагмент работы


Organization structure has been changing for the last 100 years and so is communication flow between leader and employee. In my research paper I will investigate the process of development of organization theory and communication development in organization. Communication between those two parts plays a major role in company’s success – in achieving company’s goals which for instance could be worldwide prestige, higher profits or more effective productivity. In daily life Leader has a significant role in organization – he has to set a goal for company, accomplish it. It can be done in many different ways but the question is which is a most effective and human way to do it? This project is relative for me because I am interested in marketing and economy and, I hope, that this will help me to understand fundament of organizational and communication theory. Why is it substantial to have a positive communication between leader and employee, what is an effective communication and how to create it, do organization and its theories change by globalization, if yes, what are diversities from classic – modern theories compare to postmodern theories, which of them are used in our modern society today and why - those are the questions I am going to answer.
In the first part of my project I will introduce such termins as horizontal, downward and upward communication flows which is necessary for finding place for each of the flow in my represented organization theories. I will take a closer look to some classical organization theories made by Weber, Fayol, Taylor – analyze and compare them to modern and postmodern organization theories.

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