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Опубликованно: 08.05.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Preface    3
2.  Introduction    4
3.  Objectives    5
3.1.  Project description    5
3.2.  Criteria description    6
4.  Analysis    8
5.  Results    13
6.  Conclusions    15
7.  Bibliography    16
8.  Appendix    17
Фрагмент работы

The Netherlands has a long tradition of agriculture. Symbols of this history have become Dutch icons: wooden shoos, tulips, cheese and windmills.
Today, the Netherlands remains one of the world's main food producing nations. The total area of 41,526 square kilometres may not be too impressive; its achievements in research and production techniques are, especially in the areas of agriculture and services. Flevoland is the newest polder in the Netherlands. It is about 50 years old. That can be very good reason why visit this place. So we will have a lot of costumers.
We chosen activity what is connecting with flower workshop, and growing tulips. Our target group can be different kind of people, families with children’s, and peoples in retirement. This can be a great place where company’s can sent their employers for relax.
Our aim is developing Flevoland make more places for tourists and makes it’s very interesting for visitors from abroad. We are growing tulips because it is one of Dutch icons.
In this project plan we will describe our objectives for business. We will define criteria’s what we need for our activity that it can be successful. We will explain the process what we did step by step to find the best spot of location for our activity.
It will be made from two points of view: of farmer as entrepreneur and nature conserver, because requirements what is for entrepreneur might be different from nature conserver point of view. It is very important to find it out the best place before to start this kind of activities.

All of the criteria were done with analysis in Geographical Information Systems-GIS supported by BORIS. In conclusion we batch the information and get the feasible place to start up our business.

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