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Опубликованно: 18.06.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 38 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

7. Strategic Recommendation
This chapter will suggest strategic recommendations to BrewDog by applying SAFe criteria framework. SAFe stands for suitability, acceptability, feasibility and evaluation. Firstly, suitability factor determines whether the strategy conveys the main strategic challenge that an organization may or may not face. Secondly, acceptability factor shows whether the organization is meeting the stakeholder needs and expectations. Thirdly, feasibility showcases the practicality of the strategy. Finally, an evaluation component considers all the variables in order to provide the organization with the best business strategy possible (Johnson G. , Whittington, Angwin, Regnér, & Scholes, 2019). As stated previously, Brewdog’s strengths seem to be collaboration, marketing, sustainability and leadership. However, BrewDog’s target market group seems to be most of the Western Europe (pg.8). In addition, acknowledging their sustainability efforts and goal of becoming zero-waste business, it could be beneficial to expand their market group to Eastern Europe. For example, Latvia’s most competitive tourism sectors are health and nature tourism (OECD, 2018). Thus, BrewDog could open their first zero-waste pub in Riga as well as collaborate with one of the Latvia’s tourism agency. This recommendation would be acceptable from stakeholder’s point of view because Latvia would gain international recognition as a tourism destination and BrewDog could achieve their zero-waste goal.

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