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Опубликованно: 19.12.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Preface    2
1.  The Process of German Reunification    3
2.  Other Countries Attitude to German Reunification    6
3.  German Reunification Influence on European Integration    9
  Conclusion    13
  Bibliography    14
Фрагмент работы

Germany has a very vivid history. It consisted of many lands and was once united into a strong country of Germany. Realizing its strong power Germany started First World War. After losing in it a lot of land was taken away from Germany. When Hitler came to power, Germany started the Second World War, and after losing in it was divided into two parts each under different occupation. It was rather a phenomenon for Western Europe – one of the greatest powers of the world was descended and abandoned from the rest of the world. Though Western part of Germany bit by bit returned its economy and political system, Eastern part was controversially different in all ways. The Cold War began when one country’s two parts were some kind of enemies. But the world’s system can’t exist, if it is divided. Globalization involves all parts of the world; the world no longer could stand the silent war of economics, politics and military competition. It was understood that the Germany needs to be reunited.
But what would reunification bring? Some still feared that reunited Germany wouldn’t maintain peace in the World, that it would be a threat to all the countries. Some therefore feared that Germany would minimize their political and economical power in Europe. There were different opinions about the reunification. In my report I will try to explore the process of reunification of Germany, try to find out different countries opinions on the reunification, and outline German reunification’s impact on the European integration. I will prove the hypothesis that German reunification made a great impact on European integration.

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