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Опубликованно: 15.07.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 12 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  Intercultural relations of international organization    4
2.  MADARA Cosmetics Case Study    8
2.1.  Company’s structure    8
2.2.  Culture Grounded Competitive Advantage    9
3.  Comparative part    11
  Conclusions    13
  Recommendations    14
  List of references    20
Фрагмент работы

Intercultural communication skills are those required to communicate, or share information, with people from other cultures and social groups. While language skills may be an important part of intercultural communication, they are by no means the only requirement. Intercultural communication also requires an understanding that different cultures have different customs, standards, social mores, and even thought patterns.
Finally, good intercultural communication skills require a willingness to accept differences these and adapt to them.
When communication is not effective in an organization, we can think to introduce human resources in a communications course suitable group that make people part with the specificities of each culture (age, nationality, culture, profession, expectations) to understand each person's way of expressing themselves, with as expected of interlocutor. After all, developing human resources the means the success of organization.
Good intercultural communication fundamentally requires intercultural awareness, an understanding that different cultures have different standards and norms. But more, it requires an understanding that individuals are shaped, but not bounded, by their cultural background and that, sometimes, you have to meet people more than halfway.

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