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Опубликованно: 24.02.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 1 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    2
  Location, General Description and Target Market    3-4
  Summary    5
  Hotel history    7
  General organization chart of the hotel    8
  Restaurants and Bars    9
  Restaurants Concept    10-13
  My Work Experience    14
  Suggestions for improvement    14
  Reflective Logs    16-20
  Conclusion    21
  References    23
Фрагмент работы

10) Kid in the elevator
As I said before sometimes I used to work as a hostess in a guest relations as well. The guests arrived to the hotel and on reception they needed somebody who speaks Russian. I went there, I helped them to check-in and then I was personally guide them to the room. Suddenly, when we were passing by the elevator somebody was screaming and asking for the help. I realized it was a small kid. Immediately, I called to the reception and maintenance department. They came and helped the kid. When I was coming back from the guests room. I met the girl from mini-bar and I asked for a chocolate with all explanation about this situation. When I came back to the elevator maintenance guy opened the door of elevator and I gave that chocolate to the kid to calm him down. Frankly speaking, he was more happy about chocolate than he was stocked in the elevator. I have learned from this situation that even such a small complimentary things from the hotel can help and solve the part of the problem.

The first internship is a very important step for a future career. I had a great one and full with good memories. There were few moments when it was very hard and I was almost giving up, but the great experience I get from it won’t be forgotten. I am very satisfied that I had a such a great opportunity to work as a waitress and as a hostess as well. I have learned a lot of new things about myself, I managed to improve some good habits and loose some bad one. I learned basically a new language and my communication skills improved a lot. I don’ regret for any day I spent in Amathus, Limassol and I know that I got a strong fundamental start for my career. I really appreciate the knowledge which I received from HIM, especially useful was service knowledge which I gained in HIM from Mr.Kubat.

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