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Опубликованно: 20.03.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 16 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    2
2.  History    3
3.  Types    6
3.1.  Thermojet    9
3.2.  Turbojet    9
3.3.  Turbofan    12
3.4.  Rocket    17
3.5.  Ramjet    18
3.6.  Turboprop    20
3.7.  Turboshaft    22
3.8.  Propfan    23
3.9.  Pulsejet    24
3.10.  Pulse detonation engine    25
3.11.  Air-augmented rocket    26
3.12.  Scramjet    27
3.13.  Turborocket    29
3.14.  Liquid air cycle engine    29
4.  Type comparison    31
5.  Conclusion    35
6.  Terminology    36
7.  References    38
Фрагмент работы

I have chosen this topic basing on the subject, that nowadays jet engine is the most common type of engine operating in modern aircrafts. A jet engine is much more effective than simple piston engine, comparing its options.
In my work I will speak about different types of jet engines, which are widely spread in civil and military aviation and also about some prototypes, which were introduced during aviation history process. In addition to this my presentation will proceed with the type comparison of different jet systems followed by its advantages and disadvantages.
To start my presentation I will speak about jet engine in general:
A jet engine is an engine that discharges a fast moving jet of fluid to generate thrust in accordance with Newton's third law of motion. This broad definition of jet engines includes turbojets, turbofans, rockets and ramjets and water jets, but in common usage, the term generally refers to a gas turbine Brayton cycle engine used to produce a jet of high speed exhaust gases for special propulsive purposes (see pict.1) Jet engines are so familiar to the modern world that gas
Jet engine airflow simulation
turbines are sometimes mistakenly referred to as a particular application of a jet engine, rather than the other way around.
After Hans von Ohain demonstrated a model of a gas turbine engine in 1936, he received unlimited funding from the German government. This allowed him to proceed quickly with his designs and the first German jet propelled flight occurred in 1939. The centrifugal flow turbojet on the first jet propelled plane produced approximately 1100 pounds of thrust. The He 178 was the world's first jet plane. Von Ohain later developed an axial flow engine, the beginning of what is now the standard for gas turbine engines.…

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