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Опубликованно: 10.12.2006.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Latgale an ancient part of Latvia, almost a quarter of the whole country, where one third of the population of Latvia lives. Historically, Latgale was the region of Latvia from the River Daugava in the East to the borders of the Livian and Slavic tribes. Ancient Latgale (nowadays Vidzeme and Latgale) was under Polish rule in 16th century, and was called “Pardaugavas hercogiste”. One hundred and fifty castle mounds in Latgale still show where the region’s fortified castles stood, where the aristocratic landlords and local rulers held sway in prosperity and wealth.
Nowadays Latgale comprises the districts of Balvi, Daugavpils, Kraslavas, Ludzas, Preili and Rezeknes, and two of Latvia’s larger cities – Daugavpils and Rezekne.

Latgale greets everyone with its picturesque views, varied mosaic landscapes with its many lakes, forests and hills, and geological curiosities – great stones [the biggest Latvian great stone is situated in Nicgale (130 m3)], glens and slopes. Latgale is characterized by crucifixes at the roadsides, steeples of white churches over coniferous forests, manor houses and castles. Aglona basilica, the world famous catholic religious centre attracts thousands of faithful from many countries. attracts thousands of people from different countries) to celebrate the Ascension of the Virgin Mary.…

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