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Опубликованно: 12.10.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

Estonia is not only Latvia's neighbouring country, but also the country Latvia traditionally has developed the most active co-operation with. Latvia and Estonia are united by common aims of foreign and security policy, namely the integration into the EU and NATO, active involvement in the regional co-operation (for example, trilateral cooperation among the Baltic States, co-operation between the eight Baltic and Nordic countries, co-operation within the Council of the Baltic Sea States, the Northern Dimension of the EU, etc.), and good neighbourly relations with Russia.

The dialogue between Latvian and Estonian government officials is active and regular. Successful practical cooperation is carried out between the ministries of various sectors, local governments and non-governmental organisations (NGO's). The legal basis between Latvia and Estonia is constantly being enhanced in essential areas of co-operation.

In addition to bilateral contacts, Latvia and Estonia are partners in trilateral cooperation. The topical projects of trilateral co-operation are concentrated in the areas fostering integration of our states in the EU and NATO. Co-operation in the field of defence (BALTBAT, BALTRON, BALTDEFCOL and BALTNET projects) and home affairs, as well as establishment of common educational space is developing successfully.

Although Estonia has launched the EU accession negotiations two years ahead of Latvia (Estonia - in 1998, Latvia - in 2000), at present Latvia has successfully implemented the catch-up principle in terms of provisionally closed negotiation chapters.…

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