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Опубликованно: 26.03.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 4 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

1. Instead of a rush of white water there is a dark pool, silent and still.
(Source 1, page 4)
2. Now the sky is dark with iron-colored clouds, and a cold wind whips at the clothing of the people, but still they move along the vines, stooping and rushing, smiling at one another and talking quiet, normal voices.
(Source 1, page 4)
1. Mavin, who is somehow comforted by the picture of old ladies feeding like docile rabbits on the lettuce leaves of other times, other manners.
(Source 2, page 5)
2. I heard him speaking to Auntie Doll about me: “Smart as a whip, she is, that one.”
(Source 2, page 11)
3. She throws back her head and opens her mouth wide, and her clear high voice floats across the valley like birdsong.
1. Priest sang: “I love you Peggy Sue...‘ Buddy Holly died before you were born, Mario. I liked him better than Elvis.”
(Source 1, page 10)
2. Priest unbuttoned his Levi‘s.
(Source 1, page 13)
1. But he was apprehensive, and he probably could not be pushed into a decision.
(Source 1, page 11)
2. But she still exercised an extraordinary sexual magnetism.
(Source 1, page 12)
3. The world is a needle.

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