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Опубликованно: 30.11.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 6 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
  Glossary    4
1.  Salt characterization    5
2.  Salt - air presence    5
2.1  Veļičkas salt mine    6
2.2  Dead Sea    7
3.  Use of salt    7
3.1  Medical uses    8
3.2  Diet    8
3.3  Road Administration    9
3.4  Chemical industry    9
4.  Sodium in the human body    10
5.  Salt positive and negative impacts    10
6.  Part of research    12
6.1  Results and analize    12
6.2  Salt products    16
  Conclusions    17
  References    18
  Annex    19
Фрагмент работы

Salt in our lives play an important role. Sodium chloride NaCl (common salt, halite (see figure in Annex)) is one of the most needed food spices and minerals. Today, it has a very broad range of applications in the chemical industry, both nutritional and road management. Every year the world produces 200 million tons of salt. Physiological function is used to ensure 30% of the resulting salt, the chemical industry spends 60% of the resulting salt, and about 10% is being spent for other purposes, including salting roads. One person in average spends 1.2 kilograms of salt. We can not imagine life without salt. There is a salt added to all meals in people daily life - and can not live without it. But here we can discuss two sides of this question – positive and negative influence of the salt. In average we eat 9 grams (2 teaspoons) of salt a day. Approximately half we add at home, in cooking process, and the left half is a natural part of the product itself. We need a certain amount of salt. The minimum daily dose of diet is 0.5 g sodium. This corresponds to about 1.5 g of sodium chloride - table salt. Usually with a mixed diet the body gets 5-20g of table salt a day, sometimes more. Humans in temperate climates without significant physical activities are enough with 5-7 g of table salt a day. [1] This means that a lot of people eat more salt than is needed, in which case salt intake should be reduced by about one-third. …

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