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Опубликованно: 27.05.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 13 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  Theoretical part    4
1.1.  Text functions and types    4
1.2.  Technical translation and terminology    7
1.3.  The development of terminology in English    6
1.4.  Term formation methods in English    7
1.5.  The development of terminology in Latvian    10
1.6.  Term formation in Latvian    11
1.7.  Peculiarities of informative/technical texts    13
  Conclusion    26
  References    28
  Bibliography    29
Фрагмент работы

As whole world is developing, the translation becomes more and more important. New technologies, new discoveries in science and more developing business field, where appears new fields of managing and manufacturing, specific terminology there needs to be translated in order everybody can understand and take part in new processes. That means that technical translation is very necessary. Therefore it is very important to continue researches in term formation in Latvian because the terms in Latvian are not complete investigated. There are many cases in parallel texts, when for one and the same translation can be found several translations in Latvian.
Therefore the author has stated the following research question:
What translation methods and term formation principles are used in the existing translation?
The study paper consists of two main parts – theoretical and practical. Theoretical part conveys the descriptions of technical terminology, terms and technical translation, translation strategies applied in technical texts, terminology development and term formation principles in English and Latvian. Practical part pays attention to the methods used in existing manual translation and specific terminology, as well as difficulties in the process of analysis and research work.

The aim of the study paper is to analyze and show translation methods applied in translated manual, investigate the principles of term formation in translation.

The tasks:
1.To search the sources of theory concerning technical translation and terminology on the internet and in books.
2.To find out the information about informative text type.
3.To investigate translation methods used in the existing translation.
4.To analyze the translated terminology.
5.To find examples to support the theoretical background.…

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