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Опубликованно: 13.06.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    3
1.  Mission, vision and goals of JSC “Latvijas balzams”    4
1.1.  Mission statement    4
1.2.  Analysis    4
2.  Functional, Business and Corporate level strategies of JSC “Latvijas balzams”    8
2.1.  Corporate level    8
2.2.  Business level    8
2.3.  Functional level    9
3.  The Global strategies of JSC “Latvijas balzams”    11
  Bibliography    12
Фрагмент работы

The origins of JSC “Latvijas balzams” mastery can be found back in 1900, when the first Riga State Spirits Warehouse No.1 started its operations.
Today “Latvijas balzams” is the largest alcoholic beverages producer in the Baltic States and the most advanced and up to date alcohol production facility in Latvia.
Currently the company’s production ranges to around 100 various brands of alcoholic beverages from which almost 53% are beverages with low content of alcohol. The production is offered both in the local market and exported.
The first evidences on Riga’s Black Balsam date back to year 1752. This is one of the oldest Latvian brands with an international fame, created by the multicultural city of Riga and its craftsmen.
The company is a member of Association of Latvian Spirits Producers and Distributors, whereas the Association, in turn, has joined the European Confederation of Spirits Producers.
The leading shareholder of JSC “Latvijas balzams” is “S.P.I. Distilleries. B.V.”, which own 89.52 % of company’s shares and is owned by “S.P.I. Group”.…

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