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Опубликованно: 02.11.2016.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 15 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2011–2015 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  The quality issues at ‘’Grand Note’’ Transport Ltd    1
2.  Recommendations to improve quality issues    5
3.  The ways how to communicate quality issues    6
4.  Continuous improvement of quality    7
5.  Health and Safety legislation    8
6.  Risk Assessment    11
7.  Recommendations for improvements to Health and Safety    12
8.  Health and safety communication    13
9.  Monitoring and evaluating Quality and Health and Safety issues    14
10.  Change management issues    15
11.  Change management models    16
12.  Bibliography    18
Фрагмент работы

Change management models
In order to receive the best results from the planning and implementation of new Quality and Health and Safety initiatives at ‘’Grand Note’’ Transport Ltd, it would recommended to use change management models. According to Armstrong and Stephens (2005), ‘’change management is the process of ensuring that an organisation is ready for change and takes action to ensure that change is accepted and implemented smoothly’’. There are many different change management models like McKinsey 7-S Model, Lewin's Change Management Model, and Kotter's Eight Step Change Model, ADKAR model, John M. Fisher's Change Model, Prosci's change management methodology, Keith Thurley five approaches to managing change. Based on the analysis of the case study, the most suitable managing change models for ‘’Grand Note’’ Transport Ltd is Lewin’s Change Management Model.
Lewin's Change Management Model was created in the 1950s by a psychologist named Kurt Lewin. According to Sharma (2006), Lewin refers to the three-stage process of change -unfreeze, change and refreeze.
According to Armstrong and Stephens (2005), the first step is to understand why changes needs be done. According to the case study, in July 2009 London Mini Coaches Ltd cancelled an order for 250 minibuses, several smaller customers have complained as well. Firstly, declining sales, poor financial situation and customers’ dissatisfaction are the main reasons why ‘’Grand Note’’ Transport Ltd needs to change the current Quality processes. Secondly, growing accident rate, injuries and staff and customers’ complaints about the health and safety issues indicates that Health and Safety policy needs to be changes as well. To support it, ‘’Grand Note’’ Transport Ltd could launch internal survey. Before launching changes, company needs to ensure that there is strong support from Quality and Health and Safety management who will be responsible to communicate with staff and motivate it.

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