The Impact of Airbnb on Hotel Industry
2011–2015 гг.
2016–2020 гг.
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Abstract | 2 | |
Introduction | 3 | |
What is Airbnb | 4 | |
How Airbnb works? | 4 | |
Some pros and cons using Airbnb service | 4 | |
Sharing economy – what does it mean and how it is connected with Airbnb | 5 | |
Characteristics of demand | 6 | |
Two-sided business model | 6 | |
The main three determinants of demand | 6 | |
Target audience | 7 | |
Type of good and its classification | 8 | |
Price elasticity of demand | 8 | |
Income elasticity of demand | 8 | |
Substitutes and complements | 8 | |
Type of market | 9 | |
Characteristics of supply | 10 | |
Cost structre | 10 | |
Dynamic Airbnb pricing | 10 | |
Type of market | 10 | |
Development over time (Airbnb as a growing competitor) | 12 | |
What influence Airbnb has on hotel feasibility and estimations | 13 | |
What the real Airbnb stands for? | 13 | |
Airbnb rental statistics in Riga (January 2017) | 14 | |
Conclusion | 15 | |
Refence list | 16 | |
Appendix | 18 |
In appendix 1 we can see that there is the major part of hosts who have only one listing - 502, and the smallest number of hosts who has 4 listings- only 19.
In appendix 2 we can see how many different types of room in Latvia exist. It is obviously that the biggest percentage is taken by the amount of entire houses- 81,1 % or 963 houses; private room – 17% or 202; and shared room-only 1,9% or 23 rooms.
In the next appendix (appendix 3) we can see that in Latvia the most popular room type is 1 bedroom- 426 listings, however the least popular is 4+ bedroom type – only 24 listings all over the city.
The Airbnb hosting service is a normal private good which is supplied under the ruler of monopolistic competition. Airbnb is one of leading companies all around the world providing lodging. It has entered the market only 8 years ago, but since that time it has grown and developed rapidly, and become recognizable in the world. The main idea of Airbnb is to use model of sharing economy, to share owners’ properties that are being unused. With a two-sided business model Airbnb easily connects supply and demand sides using hosts and guests.
Airbnb’s prices are always dynamic and changing, that helps to regulate the market and the prices.
Airbnb is a company that does not have built any special building for guests, but just connects housing providers and travellers worldwide.
This report examines the economy strategy of modern hosting company – Airbnb, giving a general overview of demand and supply sides of market that have been developing rapidly over the last years. In the report, additional emphasis has been put on shared economy, it was explored how it is connected with Airbnb model and how it basically works. In this work is also described how Airbnb is performing on Latvian market, and there are provided several statistics data. In this work was explored the impact of Airbnb invention on hotel industry, there exist various changes in demand. There was also investigated why demad is changing during the year and its reasons. During the research, basically were used internet sources, which helps to collect the data and additional information.
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- The Impact of Airbnb on Hotel Industry
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