United States of America - the country with very short, to the European measures, a history - in second half of 20 centuries of steel the conventional world leader - in economic, political, military and many other areas. The history of USA is a development of the new grounds, cowboys, revolution, people, which have seeked for success.
It is the parts of the world located in the western hemisphere, between Atlantic and Silent oceans. It breaks up to two continents - Northern America and South America. The border between them passes through isthmus of Panama.
Climate of USA basically moderate both subtropical. There are also present tropics are a Hawaiian islands in Pacific ocean, one of states of USA. And in northern state Alaska there is an Arctic cold in the winter.
Bowels of a roller coaster, it is especial Appalachian mountains, are rich coal, petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, ores of nonferrous metals and other minerals. The biggest rivers of America - Mississipi and her inflow of Missouri. The Atlantic coast - the most occupied part of USA.
Due to a difficult relief and heterogeneity of climatic conditions the territory of the country differs an extreme variety of ecological systems. The big attention is given protection of natural complexes.
The population of USA lives basically in cities. New York - the biggest American city. It is large industrial centre and seaport. It is located at the Atlantic coast. The main feature of New York - houses - neboskryoby in height of 60-80 floors. Skyscrapers have transformed many quarters of New York into stone gorges where the sunlight where air is poisoned with exhaust gases of automobiles will not penetrate.
Europeans began to move to Northern America in 16 century, after opening America of Columb. Europeans ruthlessly exterminated Indians - aboriginals of the American continent. Survived Indians were superseded in fruitless deserted territories. Negros, descendants of the former slaves violently delivered to America from Africa live in USA also. Already for a long time in USA there is no slavery, but negros and now the most oppressed and deprived of civil rights of the American citizens. Among negros there are more than unemployed, than among white. Usually negros live in the most uncomfortable quarters of the American cities - a ghetto. Negro children frequently can not study at schools where white children study.
par ASV, par ģeogrāfisko stavokli un tt. United States of America - the country with very short, to the European measures, a history - in second half of 20 centuries of steel the conventional world leader - in economic, political, military and many other areas. The history of USA is a development of the new grounds, cowboys, revolution, people, which have seeked for success. It is the parts of the world located in the western hemisphere, between Atlantic and Silent oceans. It breaks up to two continents - Northern America and South America. The border between them passes through isthmus of Panama. Climate of USA basically moderate both subtropical. There are also present tropics are a Hawaiian islands in Pacific ocean, one of states of USA. And in northern state Alaska there is an Arctic cold in the winter.