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Опубликованно: 31.01.2012.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 17 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Abstract    1
  Introduction    1
1.  Analytical Review of Literature on weblogs    2
2.  Quantitative Research Method    3
3.  Results and Interpretation of Findings    4
  Conclusions    6
  References    7
  Appendix 1 Selected Post No. 1 from David Airey’s weblog    9
  Appendix 2 Selected Post No. 2 from David Airey’s weblog    10
  Appendix 3 Selected Post No. 3 from David Airey’s weblog    10
Фрагмент работы


There are various forms of asynchronous CMC and one of them is weblogs which are one of the most recently developed genres in asynchronous CMC as they have only fourteen years of history. Weblogs are web sites that resemble diaries or personal journals that consist of posts in chronological order.
The research was aimed at identifying if the selected weblog for analysis has register characteristics of informational or personal focus and to investigate the background of weblogs in general. The main objectives were to investigate already existing taxonomies of register characteristics of weblogs. Past theoretical contributions gave an insight to weblogs and their characteristics.
The frequency analysis of three posts from the selected weblog provides valuable information for clarifying its focus. The results show that positive features were present in all posts with a frequency of 150 detected cases. The results also show that negative features were found in the selected posts with a frequency of 266 detected cases. Finally, the results show that negative features are almost two times frequent than positive features which means that the selected posts have personal focus characteristics.
Consequently the research question has been answered that posts from David Airey’s weblog have personal focus.

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