Опубликованно: 16.08.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 1.
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 2.
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 3.
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 4.
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 5.
  • Конспект 'AirBnB Business Model', 6.
Фрагмент работы

The company also actively advertises on social networks. It has profiles on Instagram , Facebook , and Youtube . An official company profile has also been created on the TikTok platform, which is unfortunately not active, although it is one of the best forms of advertising on social media today. However, offline advertising from app users is active on this platform. The company also has several collaborations with influencers. Airbnb also buys paid ads on Facebook, Instagram, Google. The company places great emphasis on building loyal customers by sending customers emails with news and current offers.
Airbnb also follows the news and advertises itself through several social programs. For example, as their website writes, "During the pandemic, healthcare workers needed to stay closer to their work or safely distanced from their own families. Airbnb hosts from around the world offered them a place to stay." Assistance is also offered to communities impacted by disasters, writing "We give communities a way to come together when disasters strike. Through Airbnb.org programs, people can offer their homes for free to neighbors who need to evacuate."
Airbnb also actively advertises on television, although in America much more than in Europe. Most recently, at the end of February, with the promotion of its new campaign, the company became the largest spender on TV ads in United States television.
As detailed data on marketing funds are not publicly available, it is not possible to diagram them.

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