Опубликованно: 11.03.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 1.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 2.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 3.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 4.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 5.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 6.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 7.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 8.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 9.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 10.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 11.
  • Реферат 'Strategic Management', 12.
Фрагмент работы

Joint-stock company “Olainfarm” is one of the largest companies in the Baltic States with more than 30-years experience in the production of medicaments, active pharmaceutical ingredients and chemical substances.

Nowadays JSC “Olainfarm” is one of the leading representatives of the pharmaceutical sector in Latvia, equiped with up-to-date international practice technologies and certified in compliance with the requirements of the European Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), USA inspection standards (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) and the Environmental Management Standard ISO 14001:2004. The annual production volume of JSC “Olainfarm” is approx. 1 billion 100 millions units per year, whereas the add-on sales are approx. 15% per year.

A significant scientific base and cooperation with leading scientific institutes in Latvia and Russia made it possible to form a portfolio of products finding ready markets in 30 countries of the world, including the CIS, the USA, Europe, the Scandinavian countries, Africa, the Arabian countries and others. Our company is proud of these medicaments with unique effects, such as Fenkarol, Remantadin, Furamag, Neiromidin, Etacizin, and Noofen.

JSC “Olainfarm” has representative offices in Russia, Uzbekistan, Belarus and Lithuania. There are permanent cooperation partners of the company in Kazakhstan, Poland, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Estonia and Azerbaijan. Exports constitute approx. 80% of the total indicators of the company.…

Коментарий автора