Опубликованно: 06.01.2005.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Эссе 'A Not So Perfect Fit ', 1.
  • Эссе 'A Not So Perfect Fit ', 2.
Фрагмент работы

When it comes to the process of hiring, organizations often incur a number of costs in the process. Most notable are the costs associated with recruitment and training. Given that the costs of these processes can be quite substantial for the organization, there is a clear need for companies to delineate specific methods for ensuring the best hire in all cases. Despite human resource protocol and procedures however, even the best laid plans can have the most disastrous consequences. This leaves many organizations wondering what the best steps to take in recruitment are.…

Коментарий автора