Опубликованно: 25.04.2007.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 1.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 2.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 3.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 4.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 5.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 6.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 7.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 8.
  • Реферат 'The Lierac Brend`s Philosophy', 9.
Фрагмент работы

LIERAC Laboratories’ philosophy is to use the extraordinary power of nature and plants to deliver a specific solution and precise answer to every skin requirement.

From each studied plant, LIERAC Laboratories select the most active fraction – and the part that contains the highest concentrations of active principles: root, leaves, flowers...
Thanks to their extremely strict scientific approach, LIERAC Laboratories have become the specialists of active phyto-cosmetics with physiological and restorative benefits for the skin.
The pioneer of active phyto-cosmetics with physiological and restorative benefits for the skin, LIERAC has become an international benchmark brand in the field of specialized cosmetics, through products that combine pleasurable beauty rituals with medically controlled effectiveness.

Scientific approach and inspiration, backed by close collaboration with major Research or Hospital centers in France (the French national center for scientific research “CNRS”, schools of pharmacy...), have allowed LIERAC Laboratories to become a foremost brand in terms of innovation, credibility and product performance. All developments are supported by histological, biochemical and clinical tests intended to verify the effectiveness of the active ingredients and final products.…

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