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Опубликованно: 01.12.1996.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

It would mean that Robin might not have absolute power over the band as the barons might be in charge of the financing, tasks, and policies.
If the group is to remain together then this change will need to be managed successfully because if the changes become to disrupting for the group as a hole then Robin's plans could failed. However, if the band can cope with the change, and help the barons to raise the ransom money for King Richard, then Robin will have achieved his goal.
The promise of amnesty for Robin and his group should King Richard be successfully returned to the throne would be very tempting, as they would hope to return to similar lives as to the ones that they led before the foundation of Robin's group of Merry Men. This reward would de a great incentive and may well tempt Robin's group into helping the barons. Employees are motivated by the promise of rewards and incentives. Using the Porter and Lawler motivational model we see that" rewards are desirable outcomes.2 (Mullins, 2003)
To conclude, the image of a simple organised band with specific tasks being delegated to Robin's lieutenants was not reflected after this successful first year.…

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