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Опубликованно: 14.12.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
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Фрагмент работы

And this kind of system will allow „Jānis Roze” to create an individual long term relationships with client. Because most of the clients will pick the company where they have privileged status instead of an another company where they are treated like regular customers.
To conclude Enterprise „Jānis Roze” is working in a market where their customer needs are highly differented, that is one of the main reasons why „Jānis Roze” can gain a lot by applying this new concept- enterprise 1:1 marketing principles. During my work I pointed out some of the things that „Jānis Roze” needs to do in order to transform into 1:1 enterprise, such as-first of all creating a modern client’s database which includes a very specific information about customer buying habits, second of all creating a discount system for it’s frequent buyers- because (referring to the book) some customers are more equal than others and thirdly creating a reservation system in order to make clients feel that they have privileged status. So applying these principles Latvian company after a certain amount of time, in my opinion will benefit from them. „Jānis Roze” will have much more information about their customer needs and how to satisfy them, and company will be able to gain profit from individual long term relationships with customers and increase their lifetime- value.

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