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Опубликованно: 10.06.2014.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 20 единиц
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Other problem that author will have as an immigrant is that author does not have the local language in this case author does not have Norwegian language skills. At some of the countries this could be a problem, because not everywhere people can speak and understand English or any other kind of language. In the authors’ case – speaking English is not problem, so that should be the main language for communication. If wee look at the English proficiency index Norway is the second country in the world in English proficiency (English proficiency index, 2013) this means that majority of people in Norway can speak English, so there should be no problems with communication in every day life situations.
The third problem in this list is anti – immigrant policies having a bigger impact on policies in Norway. Author already made a statement about the society in Norway and how their attitudes towards immigration ar more positive than negative, but if we look at the situation in the policy of Norway, the situation is little different. In 2013 so called Progress party became a part of coalition in government. (The Nordic page, 2013). This party does not have good attitudes towards immigration, the best argument for this statement is that mass murder Anders Behring Breivik who was responsible for murdering 77 people in Utoya Island was once a member of this party. (The Guardian, 2013). It’s actually interesting that this kind of party is getting support if the statistics shows that people generally are not having problems with immigrants, but that is a different topic. The Wiggen also states calls Progress party as one of here arguments about why society in Norway have bad attitude towards immigrants. (Ladegarrd, 2013). …

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