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Опубликованно: 27.01.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 1 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

Lots of people buy stocks impulsively after reading some articles about investment or friends’ recommendation. However, it is important to start your virtual portfolio with at least $1 million to learn how to manage a diversified portfolio with at least 20 positions. Many brokerage statements don’t calculate your returns so you can’t compare yourself with other managers and that is one of the things that makes it hard to learn about investment. You have to learn from mutual funds, because they have to deal with deposits and withdrawals every day and they don’t have problems with calculating their returns. They get their value by dividing their assets by the number of fund shares outstanding to come up with their Net Asset Value per share.
You have to expect a lot of mistakes while learning about investment. It is good to develop your skills by managing a virtual account so that you can put together your diversified portfolio, have enough buying power and so you could calculate your returns.
Fortunately, we can learn a lot of things every day using our gadgets and about investment too. However, I agree with the author of this article about that the best teachers from which we can learn are mistakes we make while doing something in practise not just in theory. But in investment industry one mistake can lead you to losing all your invested money, so I agree that it is important to learn how to develop your skills, so your mistakes won’t cost you a lot. As I am not going to do any investments before long, I could use this time by planning and learning how to invest correctly and using all these articles choose the best platform for me where I could invest with a high-risk of return.

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