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Опубликованно: 22.04.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

What is a marriage? According to Merriam Webster Online, a marriage is defined as "the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law". A second definition states, "the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage". By this definition, one would infer that this means that marriage is between two human beings. In the second definition it does not specify that it is recognized by law. My question is, "why not"? Among the many issues facing same-sex marriages there is the question of morality of this type of behavior, whether or not same-sex couples should be parents, and the legitimacy of the marriage.
The morality of homosexuality has always been a topic of question for many religions, organizations, and political parties. …

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