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Опубликованно: 25.04.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The reliability and validity of the findings are important in order to aid sound decision making as a result care ought to be taken in question phrasing; recruiting of samples; skills of the interviewer and moderator together with critical analysis will lead the objectives of the research being achieved. Because qualitative research does not generate numerical data that can be statistically analysed it is necessary for the researchers to define how they will analyse their results. Smith and Fletcher (2001) have developed what they term a 'Holistic' approach. This takes a mixture of inductive i.e. top down, theory led and deductive i.e. bottom up, data led methods, develops a partial theory at an early stage then tests the theory using each subsequent finding or observation. This approach attempts to assimilate all types of data quantitative and qualitative into the analysis.
The nature of the problem and the constraints on the budget suggest that exploratory and diagnostic research may yield the most useable results.
The results should give managers insight into the Irish Market and practical suggestions for developing its marketing strategy. The findings will not give a detailed market assessment, but should give insight into impact and behaviour towards marketing campaigns, which can influence and guide the marketing strategy.
There will always be room for managers to exercise judgement, skill and initiative, in so far as research will always be plagued by biases, decisions will always be made with limited and perhaps inaccurate information. The responsibility of the professional researcher therefore is to make a conscious effort to minimise the biases that seem to be inherent when conducting research studies whilst acting ethically.

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