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Опубликованно: 01.04.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 10 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2016–2020 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
.Introduction    3
2.  Plan    4
2.1.  Itinerary    4
2.2.  Transport    4
2.3.  Accommodation    4
3.  Schedule    5
3.1.  Day 1 November 25, 2019    5
3.2.  Day 2 November 26, 2019    5
3.3.  Day 3 November 27, 2019    6
3.4.  Day 4 November 28, 2019    7
3.5.  Day 5 November 29, 2019    8
3.6.  Day 6 November 30, 2019    8
3.7.  Day 7 December 01, 2019    9
3.8.  Day 8 December 02, 2019    10
4.  Conclusion    11
5.  List of literature    12
Фрагмент работы

In writing this itinerary, I concluded that without prior experience in arranging trips, it
was really not easy. One of the biggest problems is prices, because tourism agencies reserve airline tickets and hotels at once for groups, and travel agencies have agreements with hotels and airline companies, so they have much better prices. But if you are looking individually, prices are two to three times higher than the finished offers from tourism agencies.
Sometimes is cheaper to book flight and hotel earlier, but now searching for prices I saw that is no big difference from prices now in March or in November, because in November Egypt also has a best season and wonderful weather. But now in March many hotels are already full and you can’t get that hotel what you want. That’s why I think it’s better to reserve tour earlier.
In conclusion, I can resume that this travel itinerary will be good for married couple. Travel offers a leisure on the beach and water activities as diving, snorkelling and ride with a boat where they can enjoy Sharm el sheikh relaxing offer.
They also have options to choose some excursions, where couple can see Sharm el sheikh history, local people, beduin life in desert, camels and do some extreme activities.

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