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Опубликованно: 18.01.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

Kāda ir elastīgo biznesa modeļu nozīme, it īpaši tirgos ar strauji attīstošām tehnoloģijām?
Business agility is defined as the ability of a company to make any internal changes necessary to effectively respond to a changing external environment, as quickly as possible. In other words, you are prepared for whatever happens in the market and you can turn it into an opportunity by adapting immediately.
Being flexible can help to make work/life balance. Telecommuting, the connected workplace and other technologies mean that the lines between work–time and personal–time have blurred. Rather than resist this change, embrace it. While you may need to be flexible and respond to emails during your evening hours, also use this flexibility to your advantage. Personal needs – once relegated to weekends alone – can be addressed more easily since we are always connected, in and outside of the office.
Being flexible will make you more responsive to change. The shifting dynamics of the workplace means that you need to adapt and respond to change, quickly. Resisting this can lead to undue stress. Recognizing and embracing flexibility will help you adapt to difficult situations more easily.
Embracing change can expand your opportunities. Today’s work environment is fluid. This means those employees who can adapt to shifting priorities are considered a valuable asset – above and beyond their skills and experience. Being able to adjust to shifts in organizational dynamics is necessary today. [ https://www.americasjobexchange.com/career-advice/flexibility-at-work]

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