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Опубликованно: 26.03.2019.
Язык: Английский
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Литературный список: 5 единиц
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The second act of the traditional cake cutting ceremony is when the bride and groom feed each other a small bite of cake. This can be very romantic and sweet symbolizing a commitment to provide for one another and show love or affection. Unfortunately this custom has evolved in some cases to the couple grinding the cake into their partner's face. Early American weddings had groom's cakes and the Southern USA continues to perpetuate this wedding tradition. Many modern weddings have resurrected the tradition of this cake to showcase the groom's hobbies, tastes and even their favorite sports teams. Groom's cakes are usually chocolate to contrast the actual wedding cake although any flavor is acceptable. Most couples cannot resist saving the top tier of their wedding cake to eat on their first anniversary or even christening ceremony. A well wrapped cake can easily survive a year in the deep freeze without too much damage as long as the cake has no mousse layers or delicate fresh fruit fillings. Sharing this small cake is a charming reminder of a special day. And these are not the only wedding traditions with the cake, there's more. The color and design also symbolize something. For example, the white color of the cake typically symbolizes purity. …

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