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Опубликованно: 15.05.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

Good morning, my name is Olga and today I would like to acquaint you with a company “Baltic Carlease”. I have chosen this company because I had my practical experience there last year. The purpose of this talk is to give you the background of the company and to tell about its working in Latvia. I plan to be brief and my presentation should only last 7-9 minutes.
The subject can be looked at under the following headings:
1)the common information about the company;
2)3 main services which it offers;
3)cars which are given into clients’ disposal.
If you have any questions, I’d be glad to answer them at the end of my talk.
Ok, let me begin with the common information about the company. “Baltic Carlease” is a company that belongs to the Hansa Capital Group and specializes in offering short and long-term rental services. The main activities of the company include service leasing, car rentals and chauffer service. The company was established in November of 1997. In Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia companies operate under the common “Baltic Car Lease” brand name. As of today, the Group has about 90 employees.With 14 service offices in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia, customer service representatives in Estonia and 4300 vehicles, “Baltic Car Lease” is the leading car rental and leasing company in the Baltic States.
Turning to the next point of my topic about services, I’d like to talk about each of them in more detail. First of all, I’ll speak about what is service leasing. Service leasing is a modern and economically sensible way to acquire a car and plan and continuously follow the expenses associated with the acquisition and use of the car. The rental charge can include various expenses related to the use and maintenance of the vehicle that you can pay for monthly in accordance with an aggregate monthly invoice.The service leasing customer has all vehicle-related services, financial and time resources taken care of by experts.…

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