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Опубликованно: 15.12.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 24 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2016–2020 гг.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Introduction    2
1.  Gender equality in Latvia    4
1.1.  Historical background in Latvia since 1990 and recent tendences    4
2.  Labour Standards in Latvia    6
2.1.  Gender equality in labour legislation    6
2.2.  Other sources of gender equality law    9
2.3.  Equality Concerns    10
3.  Prohibition of Differential Treatment Under Latvian Labour Law    11
3.1.  Judicial and administrative procedures in regards to gender equality    11
4.  Gender Equality Action Plans applied in Latvia    14
4.1.  Overview of gender equality action plans applied in Latvia since the First Concept Paper    14
  Conclusion    18
  Bibliography    20
Фрагмент работы

There has been great progress in gender equality index in labour market in Latvia since the year of 2005, as the gender equality 2019 index reports, Latvia's work-related score is 74.2, with progress of 2.5 points since 2005. The employment rate for women and men can be seen close to equal, women rating 75% and men 79%, and in the same time Latvia scored 100
points in the Women, Business and Law 2019 index, which made Latvia to be one of only six
countries worldwide to fully guarantee legal equality.
The past decade have radically improved the economic inclusion of women, but however
there are concerns that still remain and cannot be achieved by just legal equality, for that action plans were introduced to reduce the issues arising from unequal treatment, some that were fully dedicated to gender equality and some that included directions to encourage the social inclusion in labour market and anti-discrimination. There were many directions of the action plans applied in Latvia, but always with the key purpose to increase consciousness of
gender related issues in the society, develop better work-life reconciliation, prevent violence and improve of policy mechanisms. By each new plan the strategy became more advanced
from the basis of the previous findings.
However, still the issue with reconciliation of work and family is tangible, is frequently put as double burden for women compared to men, even if there is a visible development of child care services or a man being more involved in child raising. Court cases on discrimination are
not clearly recorded and remain unknown for in depth researches. And as mentioned before, a strict time limit for making a discrimination claim before the court in employment cases, can act as a barrier for disadvantaged victims of discrimination.

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