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Опубликованно: 27.12.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 3 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Introduction    3
2.  Brand strategy    5
2.1.  Nike marketing strategy    5
2.2.  Nike LOGO    5
3.  Communication strategies   
4.  Conclusion   
Фрагмент работы

The degree of knowledge of the trade mark indicates the exceptional achievements of Nike's use of marketing. Tested by the company's strategy to provide its high quality products famous athlete changed the face of sports marketing forever.
This company knows that a well organized marketing will be more effective than the most promising advertising campaign. Good marketing means continually provide consumers really need high-quality goods. Nike's initial success due to superior performance of running shoes for running and basketball, which are provided to professional athletes, complained about the lack of innovation in sports equipment. Today, Nike is a leader in its industry in terms of upgrading of products and innovation.
Nike is equally concerned about both mental and physical condition of its customers. The company is concerned not only about increasing sales, but also about the development of sport for the common good.
Nike invests in the development of less popular sports, despite the fact that profit opportunities there is much less. Such actions help to strengthen the view that Nike is not only a manufacturer of quality sports equipment, but also a company that cares about its customers.
Competitors can only hope that Nike goes wrong, but only some of them are counting on it. Until now, they can only marvel at the skill of Nike's marketing. As for football, competing company Puma believes that the strategy of Nike heavy, but still little doubt that Nike's marketing will surpass all others. The company president states categorically: "Nike will control the world of football."

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