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Опубликованно: 13.01.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Some information about the brand KĀRUMS    3
2.  Kārums through identity prism    4
3.  Kārums and its advertisement in the press    5
4.  Kārums and its potential brand extension and stretching    8
Фрагмент работы

„Kārums” is a sweet curd snack produced by Rīgas Piensaimnieks (Riga biggest dairy company) since 1949 year. So, it has celebrated its 60 years this year. It is made from curd, sugar and vanilla (there are 14 flavors instead of vanilla) covered with the chocolate coating from cocoa powder, sugar and butter without any conservants. Only special technologies are used in the producing process, nevertheless, people decide the moment the curd is prepared to the appropriate mass.

This product was introduced in the past time exclusively to develop the daily food ration of the children of that time. At that period of time kids do not have such variety of delicacy which we have in our present time. But still daily food ration norms were prepared in such a manner, which has taken care of all required vitamins, minerals other substances for the development of younger generation. It is difficult to explain to children, the need to eat sour cottage cheese which is rich in calcium, but if same is mixed with butter and sugar in appropriate proportions with chocolate glazing, becomes a sweet delicacy for the kids. Healthy and tasty at the same time. But adults are also children, so the brand of „Kārums” has become popular in all over Soviet Union republics, then – in Latvia and all the Eastern European countries. Kārums is a taste of childhood.
Now sweet curd snacks are exported even to Australia and USA. Every day 222 thousands of „kārums” are produced.…

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