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Опубликованно: 02.11.2016.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 12 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Organisational structures    1
2.  Organisational cultures    3
3.  People’s behaviour in the workplace    5
4.  Relationship between an organisation culture and structure    6
5.  Management approaches to organisation    7
6.  Apple’s management approach    8
7.  References    9
Фрагмент работы

Apple’s management approach
After considering case study it can be said that Steve Jobs had unique management approach based on scientific and system approach. Under Steve Jobs was as a CEO everything had to go through him from design to launch of a product and even the way how food was served in the canteens. Every product was his own vision. Based on an article by Adam Lashinsky the management style at Apple under Steve Jobs was command and control one. Managers of Apple are held strictly accountable for their success He chose employees for expertise and not experience. Steve Jobs was a perfectionist who pays close attention to detail. He preferred experts each in control of a function in the place of a few managers. Rather than promoting relationships between departments Jobs kept them separate and required each executive to make sure their area was perfect instead of concentrating on somebody else’s. Based on external analysis the most well known aspect of the Steve Jobs management strategy is fear (Linzmayer,O.W.). This is a negative management strategy. Despite of that it can be said that Steve Jobs were a business genius, his leadership did not stand on his own. In conclusion, it can be said that Steve Jobs has gone against the traditional management style, being strict with employees causing some fear but also praising them.
According to The Wall Street Journal Timothy Cook has been known as the mastermind behind Apple’s incredibly efficient operations for years. Cook has already begun to do things differently than Jobs, and he is proving to be a very different type of Apple CEO. In recent weeks, he has tended to administrative matters that never interested Steve Jobs, such as promotions and corporate reporting structures, according to people familiar with the matter. He is more communicative with employees than his predecessor. Timothy Cook has also displayed some different corporate philosophies – like a charitable matching program. At the same time he is a man of discipline and passion. Tim Cook is known as a strong and authoritative presence inside Apple, and he is surrounded by the rest of Apple’s formidable executive team. On based analysis about Timothy Cook, it can be said, that he will have more humanistic management approach than it was under Steve Jobs’.

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